If you are looking for a whiter smile as quickly as possible, our new laser teeth whitening technology is the right way for you. The teeth whitening process conducted in our clinic using laser deliver results in a very fast way

The natural color of teeth is not white. They are typically a shade of either yellow or gray and tooth color varies from person to person. The tooth are discolored because of smoking, bad habits, antibiotics or coffee. The discoloring is an esthetic problem and can be treated. The procedure to whiten teeth is fairly simple but there are some rules that need to be followed to achieve and maintain good results.
Bleaching practices can be done in two ways: home whitening (home) and whitening performed by a physician in doctor’s office. The whitening process conducted in our clinic using laser deliver results in a very fast way. The process time is approximately 20 minutes. The dentist provide in 45 minutes long time with 1 or 2 seance.