Gum contouring is a tecnique used to reshape the gum line with the lates soft tissue laser tecnology. With laser operations, the asymmetric or enlarged gums can be reshaped and the shorter teeth can be extended. Purple color changes in the gums, can be peeled and incarnadined with laser.

- Use of the laser proved to be an effective tool to increase efficiency, specificity, ease, and comfort of the dental treatment.
- Laser minimizes bleeding, pain and swelling for surgery treatments.
- The major clinical applications are disinfection of root canals, periodontal pockets, and sites of peri-implantitis.
- Laser assisted gum operations are very simple procedures. Lasers are used to reshape gums and remove or lighten purple gums due to smoking and genetic.
- Lasers have positive effects on the healing of lesions of recurrent aphthous stomatitis and recurrent herpetic lesions.
- Lasers are used to speed up in-office teeth whitening procedures.