If one or more of your teeth need to be extracted, you will not stay without teeth, have difficulty while talking, and eating. It is possible to apply dental implant and then to place tooth on it on the same day.

Immediate Load Dental Implants, also called “Same Day Implants" and "teeth in a day," allow placement of a temporary tooth (crown) during the same appointment as dental implant placement. Your permanent crown will be placed in about three to six months. Immediate or early load requires very good bone conditions, optimal primary stability, and adequate oral hygiene.
In this method, which is preferred especially for the anterior teeth where aesthetics is important, your problematic tooth can be extracted. Then, implantation and temporary crown can be applied on it at the same time. It is possible to apply Dental implant and then to place tooth on it on the same day, but it may not be possible for each case.
Depending on the person's bone quality, it is decided after a detailed examination will be conducted by the dentist. The temporary crown is designed so that it is not exposed to biting forces, because biting forces imposed on the implant at the early period can prevent the implant from knitting with the bone.